January 10, 2021

Training Through Heel Pain: Plantar Fasciitis

Are you experiencing pain in the heel and not able to continue your daily work? Or doing a job that requires a lot of walking and standing? Then, you have surely experienced pain in heels that sometimes reach the arch of the foot. Ignoring this thing, thinking that it is a small pain, then you are moving in the wrong direction. 

Plantar Fasciitis is a disorder that involves damage to the fascia tissues and further causes inflammation in it. Therefore, it is better to know the symptoms, treatment, and exercises for it so that you can either avoid it or cure it if it happens to you.

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Before proceeding towards causes, symptoms, treatment, etc., it is essential to know about plantar fasciitis. Normal walking and running don't cause put any pressure on the legs and the heel. But it is good only when it is done to a certain limit. Extensive running, jumping, and even walking can put extreme pressure on the heel and feet. However, the possibility is low, but still, it can turn into heal pain.

The continuous ignorance of this pain, along with regular pressure, leads to Plantar Fasciitis that further enhances the heel pain. The plantar fascia is a ligament present in the bottom of the soles of the feet. It acts as a supporting part responsible for joining the feet's front part to the heel bones. However, constant and repeated stress damages these tissues. It causes inflammation in the plantar fascia, which is known as plantar fasciitis.


After knowing the meaning of plantar fasciitis, it is essential to know the causes so that it becomes possible to avoid it at the right time. Here are the causes which you have to remember so that in case you face any situation, you can take timely treatment for it: 

Wearing high heels for an extended period. It develops an immense force on the heel part. 

High-impact activities and sports involving jumping. The repeated pressure inflames the ligament.
Standing or walking for an elongated period. It enhances the possibility of developing this problem.
People suffering from flat feet are more prone to plantar fasciitis. It leads to unequal weight distribution on feet. It puts extra pressure on the fascia.


The symptoms of plantar fasciitis are evident on the surface and felt to a person, thus making it an easy task to be self-diagnosed. The main symptom of plantar fasciitis is the excruciating pain arising in the bottom of the foot region near the heel. This stabbing pain gets aggravated by the time a person wakes up in the morning and attempts to take the first few steps. 

Not only this, sitting fixated long in the same place worsens the pain. Thus, if a person starts to notice such a piercing pain in the bottom of the foot in the mornings or due to inactivity, it is safe to say that one has been caught up with plantar fasciitis. 

Standing on feet for a long duration or feet in a dormant position is one of the major causes why the pain shoots up. To ameliorate the pain, engagement in any sort of activity or exercise is suggested, but then after the working mode, the pain worsens off again.

Training Exercises

When you are suffering from plantar fasciitis, it doesn't mean that you will sit idle for the entire day and not do anything. It will surely disrupt your daily work routine. But you are still able to perform some exercises. The condition is that you don't have to go for those activities that can worsen the heel pain. You can easily perform specific activities, such as swimming and rowing.

Here a few exercises that you can do and protect your heel from this pain. These are types of stretches that you can regularly perform if you come across any situation.

1. Seated Fascia Stretch
2. Seated Ankle Pumps
3. Standing Calf Stretch
You can perform all these stretches by following the proper steps. If you still have any doubt, you can take the guidance of an expert so that the pain doesn't exaggerate and improves after a specific period.


If one is suffering from plantar fasciitis, then he doesn't need to worry about how to treat it. The reason being the treatment of plantar fasciitis ranges from medications to therapies to surgical to home remedies. The recommended medications to alleviate pain and inflammation are pain relievers like ibuprofen or alive. Along with this, some therapies like physical exercises or night splints also helps to treat pain. 

The third option available is the surgical procedures wherein through injections or extracorporeal shock wave therapy or surgery, plantar fasciitis is cured. And last but not least, if one is looking for a remedy that he can apply at home, then adjusting his lifestyle and following health care tips like maintaining a healthy weight, choosing comfortable shoes, and avoid athletic shoes; one can bring down the intensity of pain.

Prevention Techniques

"Prevention is always better than cure." This fact is true for every disease and applicable for Plantar Fasciitis. It is possible to avoid it by using a few techniques. They are simple, and you have to just implement them in your daily lifestyle:

Stretching can help in preventing this condition and also reducing the impact of symptoms.
Wearing the right type of shoes. It is essential to avoid high heels. Prefer shoes having a medium heel and sturdy arch support.
Never remain barefoot. Always wear footwear while doing activities for a longer time.
Always provide support to the heel when you are suffering from heel pain. Shoes with good support provide cushion to the feet. 

Summing up

If you feel any kind of a pain in the heel or the feet area, then you need to match your symptoms with that of Plantar Fasciitis. In case it is matching with them, then you need to take certain precautions and also try a few stretching exercises. If you feel the need, then you can also go for medical treatment to achieve quick recovery.

Personal Trainer Charlotte NC

I service the Charlotte and the surrounding lake norman area; Moorseville, Davidson, Cornelius, Huntersville, Denver.
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