January 12, 2021

Latest Tips for Women’s Fitness and Health!

A woman’s life is hard. For obvious reasons, nobody can do quite what a woman does, although the opposite is possible. Women can do achieve every single challenge that life has to offer. And proudly so!

However, in the hassle of balancing profession, family, and other similar things, self-care gets neglected. If that has started to sound a lot like you, stick around because you need to re-wire that brain of yours.

Eat breakfast like a queen

Breakfast is the first meal of the day. And for that reason, you must start it off heavy and in a filling way. After a whole night of digesting and working overnight, your body needs that kind of energy. 

But do not just stuff it with some random cereal. It might take a little bit of an effort to change your old habits but better late than never, no?

By eating a nutritional and filling breakfast in the morning, you will also be charging up your metabolism. You might know that by boosting it up, your food will be digested much faster, and energy distribution will be more efficient.
The best part is that you will not feel bloated like you might if you’re stuffed at night. This brings us to the next part! Try your best to reduce the meal intake as the day passes. So, your first meal should be the heaviest, and your last meal should be the lightest.

It is understandable that as a proficient and busy woman, you might be working all day. But if you switch it up and invest in a good eating schedule, you will notice the benefits in no time!

Drink up (that water) — hydration is the key!

Well, stressing on this bit is never enough. You might have heard so many people urging you to drink more water and “stay hydrated." And for all the right reasons, you must!

Water is a basic necessity, yes. But what it offers is more than just a key to survival. Not only does it help excrete the toxins in your body, but it also keeps your skin glowing.

Believe it or not, if you want to fasten the process of getting that hourglass figure, water will get you there much sooner! The reason behind this is that it fills up space in your stomach. You do not feel as hungry as you normally would and therefore end up eating lesser. 

So fill up your water bottles and make sure you have at least three liters of water every single day.

Exercise, work-out, and feel the burn!

If you have looked for ways of getting fit without putting in any physical effort, it is not happening. Comrade, you have got to lift yourself and roll out a yoga mat. 

You might find some concoctions and drinks that help you lose weight. But remember, if you solely depend on that, you are going to find yourself in a problem. Those methods are going to be shortcuts, and all that you achieve will be more temporary than you could imagine.

Let this year be a determining one for you. Take time out, dedicate not more than one hour per day to working out. Hey, you could also go for a run and get some decent cardio points! 

As long as you take the real kind of effort that makes you feel the burn, your results will be evident and long-lasting. So what are you waiting for? Pull up your phone and add a reminder to work-out. It could be at any time of the day — the choice and liberty are all yours.

Get some rest, woman!

It is hard to picture a woman’s life without external stresses. Not to mention the internal exhaustions that she has to go through because that is how nature intended it to be. Nobody can be blamed at this point, but we sure can work towards a solution, right?

The first and best solution to every existing stress out there is quitting the process of overthinking. How do you ask? Fair question, because if you could consciously shut off the wrong thoughts, you wouldn’t be stressed in the first place.

But here’s the deal, and it is suggested that you pull out a notepad and carefully take note of this.

“Go to bed. Separate the sheets. Sandwich yourself within. Close your eyes. Breathe.” 

As easy as it sounds, the activity can be quite hard sometimes. But since you have taken up the decision of self-love and fitness, you will have to actively work on it. Make it a habit to be in bed by 10:30 P.M.

The time will act as your deadline for the day, post which nobody should approach you with any kind of problems. It does not matter if it is work-related or something from your personal life. 

Refer back to that note you took earlier and do not budge even a little bit. Remind yourself that it is the least you deserve.

All that you must avoid 

Now that we have covered all the “must-do’s," it is time for all that you must avoid.
A common but critically inaccurate notion exists in your mind forcing you to eat less. At least most of you might tell yourself that being fit or in shape means eating less. On the contrary, it is harmful to your growth and can lead to a fat build-up. Is that not the last thing you want?

Secondly, avoid resorting to the alleged health drinks and concoctions. They are highly unsustainable, and the only thing that will persist is harm. 

Then, promise yourself to keep going. At no cost must you give yourself an excuse to skip a day or two. Working on yourself is tough, but you are not alone. Every time you feel like going in for a cheat day, find good motivational videos, music, what have you.

You have got this!

The fact that you have found yourself here means that you have that dedication hidden inside you. You need to explore and dig it out, so you have an abundance of motivation. 

Your journey is going to be an amazing one; do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Hey, to make things interesting, you can measure yourself at the beginning of this journey and then at the end of a month or two.
No doubt, the results will make you want to go on and never stop working on yourself!

Personal Trainer Charlotte NC

I service the Charlotte and the surrounding lake norman area; Moorseville, Davidson, Cornelius, Huntersville, Denver.
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